How do I or how does my relative qualify for Speech and Language Therapy Services?
You need a prescription from your doctor ( Verordnung für Logopädische Therapie)
Will my health insurance cover the cost ?
The cost for Speech and Language Therapy (Logopädie) for children is covered fully by German public health insurance and most private health insurance companies. Adults requiring Speech and Language Therapy services pay a 10€ Fee plus 15% of the cost per prescription ( Selbstbeteiligung pro Verordnung) if they are insured through public insurance. Privately insured adults seeking speech and language therapy services are advised to contact their insurance company to find out about their specific policy.
Children and adults who are insured through their home country (international health insurance companies) are also advised to contact their insurance company to find out about coverage policies. In the majority of cases, Speech and Language Therapy Services are fully covered.